보이지 않아도
풀입을 흔들고
보이지 않아도
나무를 흔들고
보이지 않아도
나를 흔들고
보이지 않은 게
보이는 것보다
힘이 더 세다.
What can’t be seen
Though it can’t be seen
Moves blades of grass
Though it can’t be seen
Moves trees
Though you can’t be seen
Move me
What can’t be seen
Has greater power
Than what can
Here are the verbs and their endings:
보이다 – to be seen
(intransitive version of 보다)
~지 않다 - long way of conjugating a verb to a negative (with
보이다 –> 보이지 않다 = not seen)
~아도 – even / even though (보이지 않아도 = even though not seen)
~은 게 – form for a verb or adjective to turn it into a noun
clause (보이지 않은 게 = the thing that
can’t be seen)
흔들다 – to shake /
move [something]
~고 – “and” form for a verb (흔들고 = shake and…)
힘이 세다 – to have power
/ be strong (힘이 더 세다 = have/has more
~는 것 – noun clause form for a verb (보이는 것 = what can be
풀입 – grass blades (풀 = grass, 잎 = blades or
leaves as in 나무잎, leaves on a
태풍 – typhoon
나무 – tree / trees (나무를 흔들다 = moves the
너 – you (intimate
form – only for use with inferior subjects)
나 – I/me
(non-humble form – for use with non-honorific subjects)
Grammar Particles for nouns:
~보다 – means “than” (보이는 것보다 = than what can be seen)
~를 – direct object particle (나를 흔들다 = moves ME)
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